Are you looking for Happy or Subho Mahalaya Images [শুভ মহালয়া]? If yes then you are at the right place as here we have collected an album of Subho Mahalaya in Bengal which you can share with your family and friend on WhatsApp and Facebook.
There is no connection between Durgapuja and Mahalaya. On this day, the idol’s eyes are painted according to custom, although there are no specific rules behind it. This day marks the end of patriarchy. People pay homage to the memory of their ancestors. Then the wait for Pujo started.
Subho Mahalaya Images, Photos, Wishes [2023]

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According to the grammar of the Bengali language, the etymological source of the word ‘mahalaya’ is mahat and alay. Or it can be called the abode of greatness.
From this word, mahalaya comes the feminine term – mahalaya. According to the grammar, since the word tithi is feminine, its adjective is mahalaya.
However, the word mahalaya has various meanings. For example, in the context of Mahalaya, it has been said in the Brahmavaivarta Purana that the moment when the attainment of Paramatma, i.e. Parabrahma, takes place is Mahalaya. Because Paramatma is Parabrahma. And the shelter of formless Brahman is Mahalaya.